Your Sussex, Your Birds – Leave a Gift in Your Will to Help Them
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The SOS part-funded work at the Sussex Wildlife Trust’s Rye Harbour reserve in 2013 to provide new scrapes near the coastal hides. © Barry Yates, Sussex Wildlife Trust |
Your Questions Answered
I’ve already made my will, how can I change it to include a gift to the SOS?
Consult a solicitor who specialises in estate planning for advice. It may be possible to include a gift to the SOS in a document called a codicil instead of having to re-write your will. A codicil is a document in which amendments or additions are made to an existing will and must be read in conjunction with it (so it should be kept with the existing will).
Are there any tax advantages of leaving a gift in my will to a charity such as the SOS?
Including the SOS in your will is a tax-efficient way of supporting us. Under current legislation your estate will not have to pay inheritance tax on any gifts given to charities. You can also cut the inheritance tax rate on the rest of your estate from 40% to 36%, if you leave at least 10% of your ‘net estate’ to a charity. In certain circumstances, especially with larger estates, a charitable bequest can be a useful way to reduce the payment of inheritance tax on some or all of your estate. We recommend that you consult a solicitor who specialises in estate planning in order to ensure that the gift in your will is worded correctly to enable the reduced rate of tax to apply.
What should I leave you?
We ask that you only leave us money or optical equipment (see next question), as we do not have the resources to handle any other gifts.
Can I leave binoculars or telescopes in my will to the SOS?
Thank you, but only if the binoculars or telescopes are reasonably new and in good condition. The SOS is committed to ensuring that a diverse range of people take up birdwatching, particularly youngsters. Access to optics can be a barrier in some cases and, by donating equipment in good condition, we hope to provide opportunities to more people and stimulate interest in birds. If you would like to leave us some optics please contact the SOS Secretary at
Can I donate a memorial seat?
Thank you, but please do not – as we do not own any reserves, we have nowhere we can offer to put a memorial seat.
I would like donations at my funeral in lieu of flowers (apart from family flowers) to be used for the benefit of Sussex’s birds. How do I ensure that this happens?
You may prefer to see donations made to the SOS in lieu of floral tributes. If this is stated in your will, the executors can make sure that your wishes are known.
The following wording will notify your executors of your wishes:
“It is my wish that my executors request that, instead of flowers at my funeral, donations are made to the Sussex Ornithological Society (registered charity number 256936),”
Can I name the Sussex Ornithological Society as an executor?
No, the SOS does not have the required trust corporation status to act as executor.
Should I let the SOS know if I include you in my will?
There is no need to, but if you do it will enable us to acknowledge your wonderful gesture. Please contact us at