
Events – for members


The walks listed below are primarily for members only, but if you wish to attend as a visitor or guest please send an email to giving your name and which outing you’d like to attend. Parents and/or guardians of children (under 18) wishing to attend an outing or event should contact us to discuss appropriate arrangements. Contact details can be found in our Safeguarding policy. Please note that no dogs are allowed on SOS walks.

The online webinars are for everyone to enjoy.

The conference and AGM are for members only.

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To view a Risk Assessment for any of the walks listed below, please Click Here

To download a list of SOS Events for printing, please Click Here
(please note the information in this file may not be as up to date as the listings detailed on this page).


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23 Feb 2025Chichester Marina, West Sussex
Location:Chichester Marina
Map Number:
Map Ref:SU835010
Leader:Kerry Jackson
07977 907279
Meet at 10.00 hrs in Chichester Marina entrance car park. There has been a hike in the parking charges in the Marina. First two hours free, but then £3.60 for an extra hour. £4.50 for two extra hours. Payable by card. Approach road from A286. Walk to Westlands along canal, Marina channel and Birdham Pool, returning via lock & hide at Marina. There are toilets on this walk. Half day, approx. 3 miles.

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Location:Pett Level, East Sussex
Map Number:189
Map Ref:TQ894139
Leader:Simon Linington
01273 400419
Meet at 10.30 hrs on Pett Level Road at "Toot Rock", just east of Pett Level village. (What3words: undercuts,stuffy,flocking). NOT the layby further on by the pools. A walk of about three miles along the sea wall and back, returning about 2-2.30 pm. The tide will be ideal to see a good variety of waders and offshore seabirds, with plenty of interest on the inland lagoons and fields too. No public toilets, but we will break for refreshments at the eastern end, where there is a cafe. Telescopes will be very useful. Level walking on a good path but a small flight of steps to climb. Warm clothing advised, even if not a cold day, but wellies not needed. PLEASE NOTE SIMON L WILL BE LEADING THIS WALK INSTEAD OF CHRIS B.

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08 Mar 2025River Ouse Valley, East Sussex
Location:Rodmell village
Map Number:
Map Ref:TQ422065
Leader:Josh MacCullum-Stuart
Meet in Monk's House car park Rodmell at 1.30pm. Walk along path to river and along it until dusk looking for raptors, owls and birds coming into roost. Half day, under three miles.

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Location:Charleston Reedbed, East Sussex
Map Number:199
Map Ref:TQ517002
Leader:Natasha Stonestreet
Meet at 10.00 in Friston Forest car park. Contact Natasha for more details.

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29 Mar 2025Newhaven Tidemills, East Sussex
Location:Buckle car park, Seaford
Map Number:198
Map Ref:TV469997
Leader:Neil Greenaway
07742 896638
Meet at 08.30 hrs in Buckle Car park, Marine Parade, West side of Seaford. Half day (under three miles) along to Newhaven Pier. Shingle or grass paths (may be muddy when wet) Coastal and river habitat, looking for incoming and outgoing migrants.

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Location:The Adastra Hall, Hassocks, West Sussex.
Map Number:
Map Ref:
Leader:Alan Swetman
074721 399927
The AGM starts at 2.30pm, and afterwards there will be a break for refreshments, followed by a presentation by TONY WHITBREAD, President and former CEO of Sussex Wildlife Trust. His talk is entitled "An off-beat ecological amble through Sussex nature reserves". This venue is easily accessible by train from Hassocks Station a 10 minute walk away. Come and meet fellow members.

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