Events – for members
The walks listed below are primarily for members only, but if you wish to attend as a visitor or guest please send an email to giving your name and which outing you’d like to attend. Parents and/or guardians of children (under 18) wishing to attend an outing or event should contact us to discuss appropriate arrangements. Contact details can be found in our Safeguarding policy. Please note that no dogs are allowed on SOS walks.
The online webinars are for everyone to enjoy.
The conference and AGM are for members only.
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(please note the information in this file may not be as up to date as the listings detailed on this page).Page number 29 Mar 2025 Newhaven Tidemills, East Sussex Location: Buckle car park, Seaford Map Number: 198 Map Ref: TV469997 Leader: Neil Greenaway 07742 896638 Meet at 08.30 hrs in Buckle Car park, Marine Parade, West side of Seaford. Half day (under three miles) along to Newhaven Pier. Shingle or grass paths (may be muddy when wet) Coastal and river habitat, looking for incoming and outgoing migrants. 05 Apr 2025 SOS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Location: The Adastra Hall, Hassocks, West Sussex. Map Number: Map Ref: Leader: Alan Swetman 074721 399927 The AGM starts at 2.30pm, and afterwards there will be a break for refreshments, followed by a presentation by TONY WHITBREAD, President and former CEO of Sussex Wildlife Trust. His talk is entitled "An off-beat ecological amble through Sussex nature reserves".
This venue is easily accessible by train from Hassocks Station a 10 minute walk away. Come and meet fellow members.
05 Apr 2025 Rye Harbour SWT Reserve Location: Rye Harbour, East Sussex Map Number: 189 Map Ref: TQ941189 Leader: Mark Wright 07793 416375 Meet in car park at 09.30 for half day walk around reserve (under three miles). Exposed estuarine and coastal habitat looking for waders, ducks and seabirds. Four hides and good paths.
Mobility scooter available if booked in advance. As Visitor Centre doesn't open until 10.00 there are toilets near to car park. 11 Apr 2025 APRIL MIDWEEK WALK Location: Steyning Downland Scheme, Steyning, W.Sx Map Number: 198 Map Ref: TQ172115 Leader: Alan Swetman Meet at 09.00 hrs by the main bus stop, half way up the High Street, opposite the clock tower. There are two well signed car parks which can be used (with toilets). The walk does have one uphill and a corresponding downhill, but relatively short, and at an easy pace. (Grid ref is given for start of walk). Alan is leading this three hour walk and suggests a 20 minute coffee break around half way (Bring your own drink). Spring bird arrivals especially Nightingales will be looked for. Good underfoot, either on made up paths or grass which might be slippery after rain. 13 Apr 2025 Old Lodge SWT Nature Reserve Location: Ashdown Forest Map Number: 188 Map Ref: TQ469307 Leader: Mark Wright 07793 416375 Meet in reserve car park at 09.00 hrs. (parking charge by phone or app). Half day, undulating terrain with one steep descent/assent. Heathland habitat and birds. (Nearest facilities at the Ashdown Visitor Centre) 26 Apr 2025 Pulborough Brooks RSPB Reserve Location: Pulborough RSPB Reserve Map Number: Map Ref: TQ059163 Leader: Gary Trew, Volunteer Warden 07793 416375 Meet at 9.45am outside visitor centre (Centre does not open until 10.00) RSPB membership cards required or fee payable. Half day walk on good paths. Mobility scooter can be booked in advance. Looking for spring migrant birds including Nightingales.
This outing may be particularly suitable to bring younger family members. Cafe and toilets. (Compass bus 100 Horsham railway station to Burgess Hill stops outside). Page number