Author: Mark Mallalieu

Honey-buzzard latest update and another request

At some nests in southern England there is very little wasp comb this year, though one had lots, suggesting that some, but not all adult Honey-buzzards may be relying more on frogs than is usual for this stage in the breeding season. Nevertheless, it seems to be a good year with 15-16 pairs found so far in the county and c.12 breeding, a high proportion. Over 50 different adults have been seen – thanks for all the photos that you are sending me and please keep them coming.

There’s been an excellent response to the SOS request not to publish photos of adults carrying food. Thank you. Please follow the same guidance with regard to juveniles at breeding sites, though photos in confidence to me will help determine breeding success. If you wish to see juveniles, they could be flying soon and certainly by mid-month. It’s well worth reminding yourself what juveniles look like: they soar on level wings like adults but the overall structure is like a strange mix between an adult Honey-buzzard and a Common Buzzard, so they can be very confusing when you first see one. The juveniles may remain in the Sussex breeding areas until early September.

Mark Mallalieu

5 August 2024



The 2024 Sussex Honey-buzzard season so far…..and one request

I hope that many of you have enjoyed watching Honey-buzzards in Sussex this year, perhaps for the first time, following the publication of a few watchpoints. I’ve been coordinating population monitoring work for several years and the effort in the field is considerable. Following the publication of sites, I wondered whether I could rely on the birdwatching community to cover at least some areas this year and this has indeed happened, with excellent coverage of two sites. As a result we have a good understanding of activity and numbers, without additional dedicated effort being needed.

We know of 13 territories so far, most with pairs, so it’s shaping up to be a good season. The adults are finding plenty of wasp comb and are taking frogs as well.

The published viewpoints were chosen to avoid overlooking nest sites and the Bird News Services have been exemplary in following  the guidance from the Sussex Ornithological Society about not revealing evidence of breeding, beyond birds being present in an area. Posting photos on social media of birds carrying food should be avoided as a precautionary measure. Hitherto, such photos would have been fine if the location was not given (I have done this on several occasions), but there is still some risk in cases where the location can be deduced, and it is best that we all now err on the side of caution. However, do send such photos to me or the County Recorder to help us monitor breeding activity. If you take a photo that shows a readable ring number (two black letters on a white background) that would be brilliant.

For the more adventurous, there are still several sites that were published in the recent “Where to Watch Birds in Surrey and Sussex” that have not been searched as far as I know, so why not try to find out something new about these splendid birds at one of those.

No illegal activity, e.g. nest disturbance, has been reported in Sussex but it could happen. Please let me know if you see any suspicious behaviour or illegal disturbance. Thank you.

Mark Mallalieu

23 July 2024

New County Recorder

David Campbell has set a high standard as our County Recorder since 2020, drawing on his outstanding knowledge of birds and bird identification. He has combined this voluntary role with a very busy working life, but decided recently that the time had come to stand down. The Society is extremely grateful to him for all he has done during his tenure. David Thorns kindly agreed to take over as Recorder, effective from 1 August. David is a very experienced birdwatcher who lived in Sussex for many years before moving to France. He is well travelled overseas and has had several articles and letters published in birding publications such as Forktail, Cotinga and British Birds.

David is now back and based in Eastbourne. He has become familiar with the local birding scene and quickly established his birding credentials by finding several notable birds in the area including two firsts for the county, for which many SOS members have been most grateful. We wish him all the best in his new role and the Society will of course give him all the support he needs as he settles in.

Bird surveys on Ashdown Forest this spring and summer: free parking

If you have volunteered to do a bird survey on Ashdown Forest this spring and summer, the Conservators will allow free car parking for the purposes of the survey and for the period of the survey. If you’d like to take advantage of this, and have not already done so, please email me your car make, model and registration as soon as possible, preferably within the next few days. Please also say which survey(s) you are volunteering on. Thank you. Mark Mallalieu (

Avian Flu update

The latest guidance from the RSPB is here. This includes further information on the recent outbreaks and their devastating impact on seabirds as well as advice on how you can help, including by reporting dead waterfowl (swans, ducks, geese), any seabirds or birds of prey to Defra.

Barn Owl talk Q&A


With apologies for the slight delay (my fault!), here are the answers to the questions not dealt with directly after the talk. Terry Hallahan has kindly provided the answers and in some cases he has invited individuals to contact him. His mobile number is 07768 506126.

 Mark Mallalieu


Are there similar groups for other owl species?  If not, why only barn owls?

Sussex Barn Owl Study Group (SBOSG) actively install boxes for Tawny and Little Owls, some other regional groups do likewise, although many focus only on Barn Owls. As you saw from the talk the Barn Owl population fell significantly in the 20th Century, hence the ‘focus’. Numbers are now slowly increasing thanks to box installs and sympathetic land management. This year SBOSG will continue its Barn Owl conservation activities along with plans to install circa 20 Little Owl boxes in East Sussex.


In an exposed pole box is there a danger of the chicks overheating?

I have never experienced chicks overheating in the scores of pole boxes I have visited. Pole boxes are abundant in Lincolnshire and the fens and are monitored annually and again no reports of chicks overheating.


How high does the box need to be?

3 metres or more. Most of our installs of tree boxes are 3-4m. Boxes in barns typically higher as usually fixed on beams.


Amazing Tim – did you want landowner space offerings or only with rangers to monitor?

 Please contact me (Terry) if you wish to find out more on monitoring and to clarify the question.


How do we request an owl box for our field? We are near Bramber Castle.

Please contact Terry.


We look after a large churchyard with lots of large trees and a wildlife area. We would love an owl box. Do you think it would be suitable?

Please contact Terry.


I missed the first part of the presentation. Can I view this as a video?

Visit the SOS website or see virtual talk videos, it is there.


Can their eyes be damaged by bright lights (I mountain bike at night and see owls but worry I’ve blinded them!)?

 Owls’ eyes are sensitive to bright lights but do not worry your mountain bike lights will not permanently damage their eyes


We have some pole-mounted boxes in our area but the boxes are all broken and ruined. Would you be interested in coming to replace them? Thanks, Sam.

Please call Terry to discuss.

SOS Conservation: Helping Sussex’s Birds. Q&A and recording

SOS Conservation: Helping Sussex’s Birds, Richard Cowser, 2nd March 2022

The recording of this excellent online talk can now be watched on the SOS YouTube channel here. There were lots of great questions, which were largely answered after the talk. Two that were not dealt with, with the answers, are here.

2-3000 Dark-bellied Brent Geese/ day for 73 days is a lot of geese…  is this more than candidate SPA?

Yes, I think the 1% threshold would be 1,350.


How significant (potentially) is the Sussex Bay project?

I believe this is the restoration of inshore marine habitat, including Kelp, off Shoreham and Worthing.  Great news for the marine environment. Its direct impact on birds is less clear, but should be positive.  It is a very welcome project.


Also, there was a request for a reminder of what constitutes breeding evidence. This is given below.


  DD – Distraction-Display or injury feigning P – Pair in suitable habitat H – observation in suitable habitat
  UN – Used Nest or recent broken eggshell T – Territory holding 1+ week apart S – Singing male or breeding calls
  FL – recently Fledged young D – Display observed in habitat
  ON – Occupied Nest N – visiting probable Nest site
  FF – Faecal sac or Food carrying to nest A – Agitated behaviour suggestive of nesting
  NE – nest with eggs I – Incubation patch (mainly for ringers)
  NY – Nest with Young B – nest Building or hole excavation


SOS Virtual Talks in March

The Society is delighted to announce that, after the very popular Conference talks, there will be further SOS virtual talks next month. As we become ever more aware of the threats facing Sussex’s birds, the first talk, at 19:00 on Wed 2 March, is a very timely one by Richard Cowser on the work of the society’s conservation team. Please do join this talk and find out what you can do to help. Register here.

The next will be on Wed 30 March, when Tim Fox will talk about the work of the Sussex Barn Owl Study Group to help conserve this charismatic species. Details to follow soon under “SOS Virtual Talks”.

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