Three talks from this year’s SOS Conference are now available to watch on our YouTube channel.
David Plummer: Wildlife Photography
Mike Coates: Fenceless grazing – a game changer for conservation
Three talks from this year’s SOS Conference are now available to watch on our YouTube channel.
David Plummer: Wildlife Photography
Mike Coates: Fenceless grazing – a game changer for conservation
Big Farmland Bird Count Meeting – Saturday 8th Feb at Madehurst Cricket Club, West Sussex.
As the Big Farmland Bird Count is rapidly approaching, (2nd to the 18th of February 2025) we are again teaming up with farmers, land owners and managers to take a morning looking at the local bird life, creating connections and sharing knowledge.
Although this is very much about the Big Farmland Bird Count in collaboration with the Arun 2 Adur farm cluster, it crosses nicely with the SOS Neighbourhood Survey Initiative and moving forward beyond the farm bird count these surveys could be really useful.
Our event at Peppering Farm last year was a real success with 10 partnerships forming.
We will be meeting the Arun 2 Adur cluster group at 9:30am at the Madehurst Cricket Club, before heading off to New Barn Farm for just over an hour.
This will be followed by lovely light refreshments.
Please let me know if you can make it so we can ensure there is enough tea and coffee ☕
Please email me if you can make it;
Adam Huttly
I’m sharing a what3words address to help you find this specific location. Tap to see exactly where it is:
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Photographs of Tawny Owl box installed near Friston Forest and Barn Owl box installed at Saddlescombe
Owl conservation and sightings
January and February are eventful times for the group with activity principally comprising of the installation of Barn Owl, Tawny Owl, Little Owl and Kestrel boxes on sites that have held birds or previously been highlighted as suitable locations.
In early January we have already installed 6 Tawny Owl and 3 Barn Owl boxes and due to supply challenges face a demanding February.
We are constantly seeking active volunteers in this respect so please contact us if you want to help conserve our Sussex Owls by getting involved.
Barn Owl colour ringing update
Since we have commenced the Barn Owl colour ringing project, we have received news of sightings and unfortunate recoveries. Sightings have revealed movements more than 40 Km of 2 chicks ringed this year! We have received 4 observations of chick dispersal in the 12 to 22Km range and a further 6 of chicks roaming between 2 and 4Km.
Our farthest recovery report was of a bird that had dispersed 46Km.
All reports of Barn Owls are valuable to us so please inform us of your successful observations and submit them to eBird or BirdTrack.
Please note if you request, we are happy to add your sighting(s) to one of these apps if you are unable to do so. This will ensure a more meaningful species population account.
Thanks to everyone that have submitted Barn Owl sightings to us and please keep them coming to
Best wishes for 2025
The Sussex Ornithological Society fully supports the coalition between the WWT, RSPB, Wild Justice, Wildlife and Countryside Link and CHEM Trust for call for an immediate and comprehensive ban on lead ammunition.
Each year, an estimated 7,000 tonnes of toxic lead shot is dispersed into the environment, equivalent to the weight of the Eiffel Tower. This persistent pollutant poisons wildlife, contaminates soil, and disrupts ecosystems, leaving a devastating legacy for generations.
In the UK, up to 100,000 waterbirds die annually due to lead poisoning from ammunition. As a society dedicated to the protection of birds and their habitats, we are deeply concerned about the ongoing impact of lead on wetland species and the broader environment. This is a preventable crisis, yet it has continued unchecked for decades.
We now have a crucial opportunity to change this. The Health and Safety Executive has delivered clear recommendations for restricting lead ammunition, and these proposals are currently under consideration by Environment Secretary Steve Reed. We urge him to act swiftly and decisively to implement a full ban and end this needless harm to wildlife.
Lead has been removed from petrol, paint, and pipes, yet it remains a major source of contamination in the environment through ammunition. As the last significant cause of lead poisoning for wildlife, it is time to consign lead shot to history.
The Sussex Ornithological Society stands firmly with all partners in advocating for this vital step toward protecting our birds, wetlands, and ecosystems.
Please add your name to the campaign
Photo by Alison Playle.
You can view the latest update (January 2025) to the SOS Surveys Strategy here
Here is the Annual Report for 2024 from Lewes Swift Supporters LSS ANNUAL REPORT 2024 FINAL
The Barn Owl colour ringing project has already provided valuable insights, including some notable sightings (see photograph) and unfortunate recoveries of birds that have perished.
The main aim of this project is to better understand Barn Owl chick dispersal, which is generally believed to be relatively limited, with most movements falling between 9 and 14 km from their natal sites. However, the first year of a Barn Owl’s life is particularly perilous, with studies indicating that around 70% of juveniles do not survive beyond their first year. Many face significant threats after dispersal, which is evident from our findings.
Summary of Results Since August 2024:
These incidents underscore the numerous dangers young Barn Owls face, including collision with road or rail traffic and electrocution which are the leading causes of mortality during the vulnerable first year after fledging. Other significant threats include accidental drowning in uncovered cattle troughs and the ingestion of poisoned rodents, which can lead to secondary poisoning and death.
Reporting Sightings:
As winter approaches and prey becomes scarcer, Barn Owls will likely become more active during daylight hours to compensate for the reduced availability of food. This increased daytime activity presents greater opportunities for sightings. We encourage everyone to keep an eye out for colour-ringed Barn Owls, which can be identified by a red ring with white letters on their left leg. If you spot one, please report it to us at
Surveyor needed urgently from 2025
This long running survey monitors a number of breeding species with the emphasis on heathland specialists by the simple method of detecting males holding territory. The core 10 heaths have been surveyed for 27 years and we are now in need of a surveyor for the important site of Lynchmere & Stanley Commons SU8631.
Nightjar, Woodlark, Dartford Warbler, Tree Pipit and Stonechat are the prime targets, this heath has also proved a good site for Redstart.
The Survey starts in mid-February, (to find the Woodlarks taking up their territories) and carries on until late June. We try to cover the individual sites entirely on at least four occasions, including the one early year visit, and two visits (more if you have the inclination and the time) about two weeks apart during May when song activity is at its peak. There will be at least one evening visit in May or June to detect Nightjar.
The survey is not particularly demanding but the continuous nature of it over more than 27 years has enabled us to providing excellent trends data, assisting with management and other conservation issues.
If you are interested or would like any further information please contact Alan Perry for on 07796 147234 or email
Note. It is very important to have a surveyor in place as our WHBBS survey can assist in the BTO Heathlands Birds Survey being organised in Sussex by BTO Rep Helen Crabtree for 2025.
2024 monitoring and ringing effort.
We found a slight increase in records of early broods this year with 77% of chicks ringed in the last 2 weeks of June and the first 2 weeks of July. Brood sizes were the smallest encountered from the time there has been consistency in monitoring since 2020, (viz 2.5, 3.2, 2.6, 2.5, 2.4). The wet late winter and early spring may have led to difficulty in hunting, which did not allow females to put on the weight necessary to lay larger clutches (pers obs).
However, from the 200+ boxes visited by ringers and Schedule 1 agents we found a 48% Barn Owl occupancy – the highest for 5 years.
125 boxes in total were occupied as follows:
94 by Barn Owls, 90 of which contained breeding birds. Other occupants included Stock Dove Columba Oenus, (19 boxes). Western Jackdaw Corvus Mondella (8 boxes). Common Kestrel Falco Tinnunculus (2 boxes). Tawny Owl Strix Aluco. (1 box) and Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata (1 box).
In total two hundred and twenty-four Barn Owls were ringed by Sussex Barn Owl Group, two hundred and twelve chicks and twelve adults. This was the first year the group embarked on colour ringing both adult and young Barn Owls with highly visible, unique rings with letters, this is to determine chick dispersal and adult movements, and it will be a long term meaningful project.
In August and September 4 sightings and 5 recoveries were reported to us.
A box in the upper Cuckmere contained a brood of 3 Barn Owls, 2 of which were considered to be of Dark breasted Tyto Alba guttata and Tyto Alba alba mixed parentage, although a license for DNA sampling was granted it was found the UK DNA database did not contain any guttata illustrations!
Note to all SOS members
Please be vigilant when observing Barn Owls in the field in East and West Sussex and report any colour ring sightings to
All sightings will be acknowledged.
Terry Hallahan
September 2024
The SOS Young Birders’ Support Scheme aims to encourage young people between the ages of 16 and 25 to develop their interest in birds. Grants may be made to help with the cost of training courses and travel expenses, and binoculars, kindly provided by Opticron, are also available.
The first successful applicants have been using the support provided by SOS to increase their knowledge of birds in the county and to assist in carrying out surveys.
Further applications are welcome, and may be made throughout the year. Applicants must live, work or study in Sussex.
Forms are available from Mya Bambrick: