SOS New Year Bird Race 2023

Hope that many of you will soon be organising your teams for the SOS New Year Bird Race!  Last year there 16 different teams which took part; they saw 139 species and raised over £1500! The winning Team, on 102 species, were The Dynamic Duo (Elliot Chandler & John Thorogood).

Regular racers will know the Rules, and there will be further details in the winter newsletter, but the main ones are

  • it must be carried out on a single day in the first two weeks of January
  • you must confine yourself to within the county boundary
  • teams should consist of at least 2 people
  • all members of the team should see or hear the species claimed (though doesn’t have to be the same individual bird), unless the team consists of 4 or more, in which case 3 must record the species

Very good luck to all those planning to Race, which should include myself!

Contact me on or ring 01273 494723 for the Race Pack