Hope that many of you will soon be organising your teams for the SOS New Year Bird Race! Last year there 16 different teams which took part; they saw 139 species and raised over £1500! The winning Team, on 102 species, were The Dynamic Duo (Elliot Chandler & John Thorogood).
Regular racers will know the Rules, and there will be further details in the winter newsletter, but the main ones are
- it must be carried out on a single day in the first two weeks of January
- you must confine yourself to within the county boundary
- teams should consist of at least 2 people
- all members of the team should see or hear the species claimed (though doesn’t have to be the same individual bird), unless the team consists of 4 or more, in which case 3 must record the species
Very good luck to all those planning to Race, which should include myself!
Contact me on chetsford@talk21.com or ring 01273 494723 for the Race Pack