Grants from SOS helping Swifts and Hirundines

SOS has supported two projects in West Sussex to provide nest boxes for the birds returning to breed. Our Hirundine Champion, Paul Stevens was invited by Greening Arundel to spearhead a Bring Back Our Birds (B-BOB) campaign, which has been enthusiastically adopted by local residents, with 50 nest boxes and cups being installed in over 30 locations, with more planned for next year.

Along the coast, as part of the Wild About Clymping ‘High Flyers’ project, SOS has provided funding and advice to enable the placing of Swift boxes and House Martin cups around the village, including at the local school. The Head Teacher said : ‘This initiative means a great deal to us and aligns perfectly with our commitment to conservation and wildlife education.

SOS contributed almost £1500 towards the two projects: we were especially impressed that both involve local communities and promote interest in these welcome summer visitors.

David Stocker, Doug Hart and Paul Stevens


House Martins in nest box made by Paul Stevens